Sunday, May 4, 2008


my weekend: (what i remember of it)

friday.... i did homework until work at 12:30. i finished with that at five and went to bucks with jacob bundren and other cool people. we went to see Callista and then went to applebees. pretty fun night, although i didn't know anyone except jacob. i stayed up until about three that night. saturday i got up at eight and drove to orcutt for band practice. nathan and tyler couldnt make it, so we had kind of a bum practice. i went to tylers house after that with mike and we went to mcdonalds and pissed some lady off because we accidentally stole her food. it was great. then i went to work at five and worked till past nine. ryan came over after that. we spent the night watching hilarious videos on youtube. such as the tourettes guy. great fun. we were up until about three again. we got up at eight to set up chairs for a cinco de mayo celebration thing. phil and i went to get subway...annnd...went to jonny's house and hung out with jonny phil jacquie and sydney for a while. then i went home for an hour and slept for an hour then i went to work at five and i just got off at about nine. 

i'm a little tired. 

tonight was....

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