Thursday, July 22, 2010

homeless veteran

she chose battering rams,
i chose defense.
tepid functions
and ironical flight.

he always sat in the back
conscious of eyes, drilling.
the ramparts were failing
my archers, fatigued.
reactions crumbled and souls grew thin.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the beginning

i feel strange...
i run like a rat, so inject me with your potions.
a lab animal in circular motions.

i feel strange...
i am the tread wearing off your tires.
spinning out of control, you forgot the goal.

i'm the grey in your father's hair,
and the fabric that always seems to tear
when we grow to large for the costume.

decipher the antagonist....
beating flesh with a severed fist.
we're here and we're looking for you.
pews and funeral dues, veils mask the traitor.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

public transportation

dump the pump
worn treads and throbbing heads...
i'm just transit junk.

see the sea
drowning lungs and cut out tongues...
i can't decide who i'm supposed to be.