Saturday, July 26, 2008

this is myself versus being a fake.

past few days have been funn. party it uuup! haha

jamie, you're amazingg. =)

my phone call failed. but it's just what we expected, isn't it?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

birds eye view.

as the years went by, he forgot about her.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

extreme succession.

i must re-paint this scene.

smooth over its worn strokes with a new grace.

but this brush is heavy and my heart pulls at this undeserving canvas.

strange how one could lose their charm in such a rapid blink...

such a rapid cover up.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

wheels to my death.

good weekend.

super awesome scooter riding sesh...

band practices...

breaking fences...

melting faces with our awesome hardcore powers...


my band is recording wednesday...and playing show on saturday.

comeeeee.... it's at motionz in santa maria. i'll let y'all know what time later.


Monday, July 7, 2008

my big world.

she tells herself to make believe.
act one has scarcely begun.

irony eats my extended arm.
time may have caused my now familiar absence.

but this pressure on my chest serves as a pain killer.
you're rescuing my mind with your subtle ways.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


i'm laying in my bed watching a movie.

went to the beach today... first time in a long time. i just played guitar on the benches and begged for money. got three bucks and spent it in mcdonalds. not a bad day i guess. killed zombies on my xbox with phil for like six hours.. ethan came over and we climbed a mountain.

im so done being grounded. i miss people.

hit me up next week...i gotta make up for the summer i've wasted so far.


Thursday, July 3, 2008


a jolt, perhaps, in my rusted old shell of a heart?

time will tell.